【放寬CB措施首天 商場餐廳、百貨公司現人龍 網上流傳中台港第二波假消息】

近日新加坡武漢肺炎新增確診數,持續每日百多二百,由今日起,新加坡進入阻斷措施(Circuit Breaker)鬆綁的第二階段,社交聚會以五人為限,各區商場的餐廳、百貨公司均現長長人龍,報復式消費出現。

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China’s new Covid 19 epidemic has begun to rebound! There are now another 220 confirmed cases nationwide, the specific distribution is as follows:
Hong Kong: 38 cases
Beijing: 80 cases
Guangdong: 27 cases
Shanghai: 18 cases
Sichuan: 21 cases
Taiwan: 5 cases
Inner Mongolia: 5 cases
Fujian: 5 cases
Shaanxi: 4 cases
Tianjin: 4 cases
Shandong: 3 cases
Hebei: 3 cases
Hainan: 2 cases
Liaoning: 2 cases
Chongqing: 3 cases

The rebound of the epidemic warned people again that normal epidemic prevention must be persevered, and must not be paralyzed. If you can avoid business trips or travel in the field, you should avoid it as much as possible. This year can be said to be a big disaster for all mankind. Life is vital. This virus does not attack an individual, and if one is infected, the whole family will suffer…

I hereby remind everyone to be vigilant, pay attention to maintaining social distance, and do not forget to do your own protective measures when going out… Masks! Masks! Masks!//

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