

報章今日頭版,在昨夜截稿時(選舉結果仍未公佈前),標題指「Close fight」,但現實卻是議席上反對派大勝,建制派不少老將都飲恨。

節錄: //Over in the Tsing Lung Tau district in Tsuen Wan, administrator Jenny Suen, 59, was giving out fliers and canvassing. “These elections are like a battle of the generations, between the older folk and the youth,” she said, adding that the pro-democracy folks’ views are “shallow and short-sighted”.

“If there is a majority (win) from these people, I’m going to migrate to the mainland,” said the born-and-bred Hong Konger……..

…Associate Professor Alfred Wu of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy expects a tough fight between the pro-democracy and pro-Beijing camps.

Even though two million took to the streets in June to voice their opposition to the now-scrapped extradition Bill, it might not translate into votes against the government.

“The current sentiment is not very helpful for the pro-Beijing camp, but the crux is that the majority of the pro-democracy candidates don’t have a proven track record in serving people because of a lack of financial resources,” Prof Wu said.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology’s Associate Professor Sing Ming is more optimistic about the pan-democrats’ chances, but he also referred to local reports that in Kowloon West and the North District, buses were mobilised to ferry older people, who were likely to vote for the pro-government parties, to voting centres.

(圖: Wing-cheong Ming 攝,已授權轉載)

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